for the soul...sound arranged into notes and chords and god knows whatnot to make it sound pleasing to the ears and to our soul...good music never fails to touch me somewhere deep inside...and the genre really doesn't matter to me...i listen to all sort of stuff...western classical, indian classical, semi classical, folk, sufi, rock, ghazals, retro, pop, film music, trance, etcetera, short i listen to anything and everything as long as i like it!!! i especially like rock because i sort of like the ideas and thoughts behind it...freedom, justice, equality...rock sort of goes well with a youthful mind full of ideals and respect for the indomitable human spirit...i am a strict believer in the might of the individual human spirit to endure and endeavour towards a better world...and this is what rock is all i would like to quote from one of my favourites "stairway to heaven" by led zeppelin..."and its whispered that soon,if we all call the tune...then the piper will lead us to reason..."!!!apt if you can understand what it means...another genre which i love is sufi music, especially the great nusrat fateh ali khan...i used to be a big beleiver in mysticism but thats changed now due to reasons which might be discussed elsewhere...anyways i still believe in the eternal nature of love which is preached in for the beloved but for the holy which means the spark of life we all carry in us because god is a concept created by this spark of life which has reached its pinnacle in our for the values which make us what we for the ideals which we cherish and live by...too much idealism for today's practical materialist world for i'll conclude with another quote this time from metallica..."nothing else matters!!!"