Sunday, June 20, 2004


I had a dream one night
I shone like a lamp
And filled the world with light.
I dreamt that I would
Remove the suffering and hatred
And change the world for good.

I dreamt of a new world
Filled with happiness, joy and love
As was meant to be by the One up above.
A world with no shackles, no chains to bind
The thoughts of a carefree, beautiful mind.
A world of freedom, equal for all
No one would cry, no tears will fall.
Where love would be the only creed
There will be no fear, no hearts would bleed.

No pain, no grief, no darkness, no sorrow
This brave new world could be ours tomorrow.
Yes, I had this dream one night
That I could fill the world with His light.

But the dream was shattered like fallen glass
When they came marching upon the grass.
They said they fought in His name
Upon Him too they had staked a claim.

They took away my dream
They left my love dying
They took all they could
And left the babies crying.
They took away my heroes,
They took my belief,
Leaving in their wake
Nothing but grief.

With flashes of light and thunderous sound
They razed everything to the ground.
They promised freedom, a heavenly life
They gave us nothing except for strife.
They took away my faith
They took away the light
For there’s only darkness
Until the time they fight.

Still I live, I dream
While in the dark I grope
They may have taken everything
But they can’t take away … my hope

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